September 25-29, 2022

DR Golf Travel Exchange 2021

DR Golf is the only marketing platform in the Dominican Republic as a golf destination where tour operators and international media specialized in the golf market niche meet with hoteliers, golf course directors and receptive operators from the Dominican Republic to take away out your rounds of business.

Over the years, the event has been consolidated thanks to the support we receive from each of those involved in it and the excellence of our world-class golf courses, which are our best letter of introduction. Seven of them are in the list of the Top 50 in the world for Golf Week magazine and three in the list of the Top 10 in the Caribbean.

The event program includes a specialized seminar, golf rounds, a golf tournament, a business meeting where Dominican hoteliers, golf course directors and tour operators participate. Social activities such as a welcome dinner and award ceremony for the tournament winners.






El evento se realizó en el imponente Secrets Cap Cana de la cadena hotelera AMR Collection.

Punta Cana, R.D.- Target Consultores de Mercadeo, realizó en el hotel Secrets Cap Cana, la séptima entrega del Dominican Republic Golf Travel Exchange 2021, evento que promueve a la República Dominicana como escenario ideal para el turismo de golf.

Durante su discurso en la ceremonia de apertura, Teddy De Lara, presidente de la empresa organizadora, expresó que el país cuenta con una excelente infraestructura hotelera, campos insuperables, agradable clima todo el año, y con la inigualable hospitalidad que brindan los dominicanos, cualidades que lo hacen el destino perfecto para este deporte.

En ese sentido, De Lara agregó que el objetivo de comercializar al país como un paraíso para la industria es perfectamente lograble si se presta más atención al principal mercado emisor, Estados Unidos.

Indicó que según Golf Datatech, en un reporte de USA Today, el pasado 2020, el total de rondas jugadas por los golfistas se incrementó en un 13.9%, debido a la búsqueda de opciones recreativas durante el tiempo de pandemia. 

Además, Para la National Golf Foundation la industria del golf impactó a 101 millones de norteamericanos, ya sea en el campo como fuera del campo de golf, miraron el deporte o leyeron sobre él durante el 2020; esto es 1 de cada 3 en la edad de 6 años o más.

De este número, 24.8 millones de personas jugaron en un campo y 12.1 millones participaron en actividades fuera del campo, como es un driving range, simuladores de golf y venues como TopGolf y Drive Shack, para un total de casi 37 millones de personas de 6 + años.

En total se jugaron 502 millones de rondas de golf en el 2020, lo que reflejó un aumento del 14% versus 2019; todo esto a pesar de haberse perdido un estimado de 20 millones de rondas en la primavera del año pasado por el cierre temporal de más de la mitad de los 16,000 + campos en los Estados Unidos.

 “Para República Dominicana, está claro que el mercado de Estados Unidos es vital, si realmente queremos regresar al dinamismo de los años como 2018 y 2019, cuando nuestra industria creció un 17 y un 14% respectivamente, al recibir unos 230,000 y 262,800 golfistas y sus familiares en esos años. En 2019, la IAGTO nos declaró como el Destino de Golf de América Latina y el Caribe”, agregó De Lara durante el encuentro internacional. 

La agenda del DR Golf Travel Exchange 2021, en su séptima edición, incluyó seminarios especializados, un campeonato de golf en el Punta Espada Golf Club, un encuentro de negocios donde participaron hoteleros dominicanos, directores de los campos de golf y turoperadores de Estados Unidos, Venezuela, Panamá, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Polonia, Alemania, Canadá, México, España y República Checa.

Este importante evento internacional comercializa a República Dominicana como destino del golf.

Se realizó en el imponente hotel Secrets Cap Cana de la cadena hotelera AMR Collection.

Punta Cana, R.D.-La empresa Target Consultores de Mercadeo realizó con éxito la séptima edición del Dominican Republic Golf Travel Exchange 2021, teniendo como escenario el hotel Secrets Cap Cana, con la participación de delegados de distintos países e involucrados en la industria. 

Durante su discurso de bienvenida, el presidente de la empresa organizadora, Teddy De Lara, dijo que la República Dominicana cuenta con una excelente infraestructura hotelera, campos insuperables, muy buen clima todo el año y con la inigualable hospitalidad que ofrece el dominicano, lo que la convierte en el escenario perfecto para este deporte.

La agenda del DR Golf Travel Exchange 2021, en su séptima edición, incluyó seminarios especializados, un campeonato de golf en el Punta Espada Golf Club, un encuentro de negocios donde participaron hoteleros dominicanos, directores de los campos de golf y turoperadores locales e internacionales. 

Del evento, que busca afianzar el país como el destino ideal para la industria del golf, participaron delegados de diferentes países como de Estados Unidos, Venezuela, Panamá, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Polonia, Alemania, Canadá, México, España y República Checa.

Estuvo presente Luis Núñez, director Comercial Regional de AMR Collection para República Dominicana y Puerto Rico, quien tuvo unas palabras de bienvenida, además también asistieron turoperadores, directores de campos de golf, medios internacionales, prensa nacional, representantes de gremios turísticos e invitados especiales. 

Este importante evento internacional comercializa a República Dominicana como destino del Golf.

{niceslides:|images/press_center_2019.jpg;::Carlos Elmúdesi, Daniel Hernádez, Elsa Ramírez, Teddy de Lara|images/press_center_2019_2.jpg;::Willy Pumarol, Freddy Mazara, Luis Navarro y Francisco Aymerich.|images/press_center_2019_3.jpg;::Juan Carlos Uribe y Kuan Kuo.|images/press_center_2019_4.jpg;::Joe del Rossi y Morgan Innes.|images/press_center_2019_5.jpg;::Grahan Spears, Nelson Pimentel y Nicolas de la Kethulle.|images/press_center_2019_6.jpg;::Enriquez Zapata y Mariana Hughes.}Punta Cana, R.D.-Inauguran con gran acogida de delegados internacionales, tour operadores e involucrados en la industria del golf, la 6ta edición del Dominican Republic Golf Travel Exchange 2019 en Cap Cana que organiza TARGET Consultores de Mercadeo.

Las majestuosas instalaciones del hotel Secrets Cap Cana Resort & Spa sirvió nuevamente de escenario para recibir a los amantes del golf que se dieron cita en este importante evento que busca presentar al mundo a la República Dominicana como el destino ideal para la industria.

Durante su discurso, en el coctel de apertura, el presidente ejecutivo de TARGET, Teddy De Lara, aseguró que “República Dominicana lo tiene todo, así reza el slogan del Ministerio de Turismo del país, por ende y sin temor a equivocarme, puedo decir que ser el mejor y el más importante destino de golf del Caribe y América Latina juega un rol importante dentro de esta frase”.

Añadió que “Por esta razón me siento orgulloso y lleno de satisfacción de recibirles una vez más a una nueva edición de este evento que con gran esfuerzo, año tras año, Target Consultores de Mercadeo organiza para traer a las mesas de negociaciones a compradores internacionales de la industria del golf junto a nuestros suplidores locales”.

Agrego que en el año 2018 vio crecer nuestra industria de golf en un 17% de acuerdo a las estadísticas de la International Association of Golf Tour Operators IAGTO con unos 230,000 golfistas y sus acompañantes y jugadas unas 289,000 rondas aproximadamente, quizá la mejor razón para que la asociación haya votado a República Dominicana como el "Destino de Golf del Año 2019 para América Latina y el Caribe", por cuarta ocasión.

Durante su intervención en el coctel en el acto de apertura, De Lara informó que el impacto en la economía dominicana sigue siendo muy significativo, estimando que dentro de toda la industria turística nacional la cifra se acerca a los 390 millones de dólares.

En los primeros siete meses de este 2019 las estadísticas continúan siendo muy positivas reportando un crecimiento promedio del 11%, según cifras consolidadas entre los principales campos de golf de nuestro país.

La agenda de DR Golf Travel Exchange 2019 incluye seminarios especializados, un workshop que se trata de un encuentro de negocios entre turoperadores internacionales, hoteleros dominicanos y directores de los campos de golf.

Durante los cinco días del DR Golf Travel Exchange 2019 los delegados internacionales participarán de diversas actividades entre ellas: torneos de golf, ponencias de expertos en la industria del golf, así como excursiones por algunos puntos turísticos destacados de la zona.

Al encuentro asistieron delegados de Argentina, Austria, Brasil, Bélgica, Colombia, Canadá, Chile, China, Rep. Checa, Francia, Alemania, Hungría, Kazakstán, México, Holanda (países Bajos), Panamá, Portugal, Puerto Rico, España, Suecia, Suiza, Trinidad y Tobago y Estados Unidos.

También estuvieron presentes autoridades del Ministerio de Turismo, la Asociación de Hoteles y Restaurantes (ASONAHORES), así como altos ejecutivos del hotel Secrets Cap Cana Resort & Spa, invitados especiales, prensa nacional e internacional.

The luxurious hotel Secrets Cap Cana Resort & Spa of the AM Resorts chain, is the venue for the second time for the DR Golf.

The fifth edition of the Dominican Republic Golf Exchange was inaugurated September 2, with participation of 85 international delegates representing 46 tour operators and 26 international golf-industry media. This international celebration is the first and only commercialization event that aims to continue promoting Dominican Republic as the golf capital of Latin American and the Caribbean.

For the second time DR Golf 2018 is set at Secrets Cap Cana Resort & Spa, and was inaugurated with a cocktail party chaired by the executive director of TARGET Marketing Consultants, event organizer, Mr. Teddy De Lara; Mr. Fausto Fernandez, international deputy minister of the Ministry of Tourism; Mr. Andres Marranzini, executive vice president of ASONAHORES; Messrs. Lionel Gomez and Daniel Hernandez, general manager of the hotel and vice president of operations of the AM Resorts chain. In addition, top hotel executives, managers of golf courses and receptive tour operators of the country were present.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Teddy De Lara noted "our golf tourism makes us proud and positions us as the number one golf destination in the Caribbean and Latin America; by the end of this year contributions to the economy could reach up to 380 million dollars.”

"According to statistics published by the International Association of Golf Tour Operators (IAGTO) at the end of the second quarter of this year, golf visitors have grown by 10.5% and are expected to increase an additional 8.5% in the remainder of the 2018", said De Lara.

De Lara also highlighted that local officials should take advantage of the exceptional conditions the country has to promote golf as a high priority niche market and implement international actions aimed at maximizing the strength it represents for Dominican tourism.

"The Dominican golf industry, is a sector that has not stopped growing, and has added value that differs from it’s key offerings of sun and beach. Golf is a magnificent complement to Dominican Republic’s unique culture and gastronomy scene," De Lara said.

The DR Golf Travel Exchange 2018 counts with the support of the following institutions: Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism, Secrets Cap Cana Resort & Spa, Cap Cana Group, Punta Espada Golf Course, Punta Cana Resorts & Club, Country House, Banreservas, EITI DMC and Ameropa.

The statements were made during the fourth edition of the DR Golf 2017, an event that takes place at Secrets Cap Cana.

James J. Keegan, renowned golf writer and US strategist, considered that in order for the Dominican Republic to attract more tourists and advance in terms of golf tourism, it must implement a culture related to this sport, which would allow the country to obtain higher income for the tourism industry.

Keegan pointed out that the 250 thousand rounds of golf that are played per year in the nation could rise to 440 thousand generating revenues of 4.4 million dollars per field.

This information was offered by Keegan in the development of the specialized seminar that included the Dominican Republic Golf Travel Exchange 2017, which evaluated the great strengths of Dominican golf tourism.

However, the expert considered that there are two aspects that the country should take into account to attract Premium tourists (those who play golf and seek luxury): the easy reservation in hotels and the incentive to tour operators.

"You also have to evaluate the design, the environment and the conditioning of the gaming areas taking into account some steps for success, such as climate, financial metrics, technology and facilities in terms of architecture, work and tools", Keegan added. In this event, Kelly Fulford, Business Director of GolfNow, also spoke, and indicated that the Dominican Republic can expand its golf tourism by taking advantage of its extensive database and market reach.

He said that of the 30 fields that the country has none is taking advantage of that offer. He also indicated that GolfNow has nine thousand golf courses around the world and 3.5 million golfers registered on its website.

For his part, Luis Núñez, regional and commercial director for AMResorts, said that the brand recognizes the extraordinary destiny of the Dominican Republic and its incredible golf courses, and that, for this reason, they have become the largest by rooms in the country with over 6 thousand, which generates seven thousand direct jobs.

"Our housing capacity generates 750 thousand tourists per year and this shows a good relationship with this destination in the level of service," said Núñez.

The executive said that AMResorts owns six properties on Dominican land, one in Puerto Plata and the other five in Bayahíbe, La Romana and Punta Cana and that thanks to the support of tour operators they have become leaders in bringing tourists from the United States and Canada, thanks to the partnership with tour operators.

The agenda of the DR Golf Travel Exchange also includes a workshop, which is a business meeting between travel agents, international tour operators, Dominican hoteliers, managers of golf courses and receptive operators.

It also includes a two-round golf tournament, the first in "Diente de Perro" (Casa de Campo) and the final in "Punta Espada" (Cap Cana), where players can appreciate the quality of the Dominican golf courses, as well as other complementary activities of knowledge of our country.

The sports competition consisted of two rounds of golf that were played in the individual modality in three categories: A, B and Feminine.

With a massive participation of golfers from different nations, there was a magnificent golf tournament that was part of the Dominican Republic Golf Travel Exchange 2017, whose purpose is to continue consolidating the Dominican Republic as the best and only golf tourism scenario in the Caribbean.

The sports competition that was played in the individual modality in three categories A, B and Feminine, lasted two days, where the first round was held in "Diente de Perro” in Casa de Campo and the final in Punta Espada in Cap Cana.

The winner of the first place in category A was Joe Cerino with 80 points and Jeremy Hall with 70 points in second place, in category B, James Keegan scored 59 points and John Ledesma 59 points as well. In contrast, in the Feminine category, Inger Thorp, achieved 59 points and Kalila Mieres 57 points.

Teddy de Lara, executive director of TARGET Consultores de Mercadeo, organizing company of the Dominican Republic Golf Travel Exchange, during his speech at the event highlighted the extraordinary level of play of golfers in the tournament, while he expressed his gratitude for the commitment put in the joust.

"For us it is important to celebrate this golf tournament and have the opportunity to provide our players and related a space of coexistence and healthy enjoyment in two of the most attractive golf courses in the country, as the true purpose of this Meeting is to show our players and the world why the Dominican Republic holds the title of Best Golf Destination in the Caribbean," said De Lara.

During the development of the tournament both players and representatives of the international press did not stop showing their satisfaction to see the magnificent designs in each of the fields, in addition to the optimal conditions in which they are.

At the end of the competition, an award ceremony was held in the area of the beach of Secrets Cap Cana Resort & Spa, where recognition plates were given to the winners of the tournament.

The Diente de Perro or "Teeth of the Dog" is one of the best golf courses in the world, it has 18 holes and is a masterpiece by Pete Dye, and Punta Espada, a design by Jack Nicklaus, is cataloged as "unique and spectacular" considering that eight of its 18 holes are facing the sea.




Secrets Cap Cana Resort & Spa

Considered as a dream paradise, the Secrets Cap Cana Resort & Spa is the ideal place to spend a unique and unforgettable vacation.

This adults-only property represents the highest level of luxury in the area and a taste of it are its 457 suites finely decorated with sophisticated Caribbean furnishings. Nearby there are two well-known golf courses, designed by the famous golfer Jack Nicklaus; a renowned fishing and hiking area and a beautiful marina.


Day 1 (Sept.15) Sunday

All delegates
All Day Long Arrivals
Transfers to Secrets Cap Cana Resorts & Spa Check-in and registration.
07:00 pm - 11:00 pm Welcome Dinner at the Garden Terrace at Secrets Cap Cana.

Day 2 (Sept. 16) Monday

All delegates
7:00 am – 9:00 am Breakfast at Market Café International Buffet.
9:00 am – 12:00 pm DR Golf Seminar at Waterfall and Ocean Waves meeting rooms.
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm PRESS CONFERENCE:
Secrets Cap Cana Resort & Spa. Hard Rock Hotel and Cana Bay Golf Club. Punta Espada Golf Course and Cap Cana. Puntacana Resorts.
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch at Market Café International Buffet.
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm Networking sessions Rainbow and Rainforest meeting rooms.
7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Dine around at Secrets Cap Cana.
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm Excursion at Indigenous Eyes Ecological Park and Reserve (Ojos Indígenas).
7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Dine around at Secrets Cap Cana.

Day 3 (Sept. 17) Tuesday

7:00 am – 8:00 am Breakfast at Market Café International Buffet
8:00 am - 1:00 pm Tee Off at the Hard Rock Golf Club at Cana Bay
Non – Players / Media
7:00 am – 9:00 am Breakfast at Market Café International Buffet.
9:00 am – 12:00 pm Boat Trip.
1: 00 pm – 3:00 pm Lunch at Cana Bay Golf Club.
All delegates
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Transfer to Secrets Cap Cana Resort & Spa.
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Site inspection at TRS Cap Cana.
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Dinner at TRS Cap Cana.

Day 4 (Sept. 18) Wednesday

7:00 am – 8:00 am Breakfast at Market Café International Buffet
8:00 am - 1:00 pm Tee Off at Punta Espada Golf Course.
Non – Players / Media
7:00 am – 9:00 am Breakfast at Market Café International Buffet.
9:30 am – 12:00 pm Site inspection at Cap Cana.
All delegates
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch at Barceló Bavaro Grand Resort.
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Site inspection at Barceló Bavaro Grand Resort.
7:00 pm – 10:30 pm Farewell party.
11:00 pm – 2:00 am After -Party at Coco Bongo.

Day 5 (Sept. 19) Thursday

All delegates
7:00 am – 9:00 am Breakfast at Market Café International Buffet
All Day Long Departures.